Month: October 2023

Invited Talk and Workshop at InterPACK 2023 – San Diego, CA

In between teaching his new Nanoscale Heat Transfer class, Dr. Pavlidis had a busy week at the International Technical Conference and Exhibition on Packaging and Integration of Electronic and Photonic Microsystems (InterPACK) in San Diego, CA.

He successfully chaired the Interactive Presentation Track (over 30 students) and served as a panelist in the K16 Mentorship workshop (workshop designed to help students and junior scientists navigate career decisions). He also presented Bivek’s and Jamil’s scientific progress with an invited talked titled “Thermal Evaluation of Emerging Ultra-Wide Bandgap Semiconductors for Power Electronics”.

Group of students at poster session in san diego at interpack conference Image of banquet at conference in san diego asme interpack Exposition at conference in san diego asme interpack